'Satvik' Ayurvedic Cleanse Kit
1. Organic Indian Risotto (Khichadi, Kitchari) is a delicious cornerstone of Indian cuisine consisting of split yellow mung beans (called mung dal) and white long grain rice. Cooked with fragrant, mild, traditional spice mix, it makes a delicious thick soup called Khichadi that is light, nourishing, rich in fiber and minerals and easy to digest. It provides a balanced proportion of protein and carbohydrates during the Cleanse. Mung split beans (dal) are a good source of protein and amino acids. 7 Bags – 7 oz. each (7 Day Supply)

The spice mix includes coriander, cumin, sea salt, turmeric, mustard seeds and fennel. Known for their strong digestive action, they foster the assimilation and transformation of food into energy. According to Ayurveda, the subtle combination of five flavor profiles: sweet, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent, activate each of the internal organic processes. This is considered even more important than the nutritional content.

3. Triphala Capsules: Made from the three of the most important superfruits Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki in Ayurveda, Triphala helps support regular elimination during cleanse and build strong immune system. It helps in detoxification and
rejuvenation. 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)

Cleanse and thereafter. 1 Bottle (4 oz.)

Ayurvedic herbs and spices to promote healthy lymphatic and respiratory system. During the Cleanse, the prepared detox tea is sipped throughout the day, that helps eliminate the toxins through your system. Formulated by renowned Ayurvedic practitioner Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, this herbal blend helps promote gentle detox, purify blood, clear tissue sludge, boost immunity, improve circulation and reverse aging. A cup of caffeine-free Detox tea will soothe your whole body. 1 Jar (1.5 oz.)
Here are few suggestions to help you get the most benefits from the 7-Day Satvik Cleanse. Even though the Satvik Cleanse is gentle you need time to prepare yourself for the Cleanse.
Lifestyle Guidelines During the Cleanse Day 1 to 7
Start each morning of your cleanse by drinking six to eight ounces of hot water or Ayurbest Organic Herbal Detox Tea from your Cleanse Kit.
- Self-Massage/Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage): Daily self-massage is highly recommended in Ayurveda as itcalms the nervous system and opens the detoxification channels. Massage with a small quantity of Organic Detox Massage oil from your Cleanse Kit for just 1-2 minutes before, during or after a shower. Use long strokes on your limbs and circular strokes on your joints. When you dry off, pat yourself with your towel rather than wiping the water away to prevent the Detoxoil from being wiped off.
- Exercise: Daily gentle exercise either early morning or evening is highly recommended. Yoga, Pranayama (Yogic Breathing),Tai Chi, or Qi Gong that involve both stimulation and relaxation are ideal during cleanse. Daily meditation also helps inunwinding the nervous system.
- Meals: Prepare your Indian Risotto/ Khichadi and add ghee to it. Eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One bag of Indian Risotto will give you 2-3 servings, sufficient for one day. The consistency of Indian Risotto should be like a stew. Eat it in a calm environment while you sip your AyurBest Organics Herbal Detox tea from your Cleanse Kit.
- Rehydration: Keep yourself well hydrated during the Cleanse. Drink room temperature water and sip hot water and your AyurBest Organics Herbal Detox tea from your Cleanse Kit throughout the day. If you feel hunger pangs drink a glass of water, your cravings will go away.
- Snacks: Ideally have only three meals of Indian Risotto / Khichadi during the day. Avoid snacking between meals but if you are hypoglycemic or feel like you need to have something to eat you are welcome to have some fresh fruit such as apples, pears or berries or seeds such as sunflower or pumpkin. The key is to avoid processed foods during the Cleanse, but it is very important to be satisfied with what you are eating so be creative and make sure you are eating enough. When it comes to detoxification a calm, centered feeling is as important as the foods you are eating.
- Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal detoxifying formula): Take 2 capsules of Triphala from your Cleanse Kit with warm water before bedtime. If your bowels slow down during your cleanse you can take 4 capsules of triphala each evening to help with elimination.
- Note: It is important to have a daily routine during the Cleanse for a balanced physical, mental and emotional being. Include meditation, exercise, 3 meals, hydration and relaxation in your daily routine
- Stop or reduce the intake of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, sweeteners and dairy (except the ghee) during the Cleanse. Replace your caffeine with non-caffeinated herbal teas like mint tea, ginger tea, fennel tea or AyurBest Organics Detox tea. You may use raw organic honey to sweeten the tea.
- Have a regular sleep routine. Get plenty of rest during the Cleanse. Conserve your energy by doing only the essential activities. Your body will need a lot of TLC to rejuvenate and detox.
- After the Cleanse: Your body will need time to get back in to your routine after the Cleanse. Listen to your body and ease back into a healthy diet and your normal activities. The Cleanse will provide you with an opportunity to evaluate your lifestyle and make some changes for long lasting benefits to your health. Include the foods and activities that you feel are making you healthy.