Vaidya Vandana Baranwal

Vaidya Vandana Baranwal

BAMS, MD (Ayurveda-BHU), is the founder of AyurveDatri LLC - Women Wellness Solutions and President of Ayurveda Association of Ohio (a 501 c3 non-profit). She is a prominent Ayurveda expert in the USA with over 25 years of experience in clinical, research, education, teaching, and training in the field of Ayurveda. Before her move to the USA, she was a Professor in the department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga (Ayurvedic Obstetrics and Gynecology) at the SDM College of Ayurveda, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, India.

Vd. Vandana is the author of two Ayurveda books on women's health - "Stree Roga Vimarsha," a book on Ayurvedic gynecology, and "Prasuti Tantra Sandirshini," a book on Ayurvedic obstetrics.

She serves as an editor at the Ayurveda Journal of Health, a quarterly Ayurveda Journal published by the University of Massachusetts. Moreover, she teaches Ayurveda at the Wexner Medical Center, Integrative Health Center, Ohio State University, and is a faculty at Kerala Ayurveda Academy, USA. She has been the recipient of many awards, including the "Charaka Award" by the Association of Ayurveda Professionals of North America for excellence in teaching.

Vd. Vandana is passionate about women's health and offers comprehensive support for women at every stage of their lives, from menarche to menopause at AyurveDatri. Ayurveda is an individualistic and holistic approach, and she helps women balance their unique constitution and hormonal fluctuations to address their feminine health concerns. From promoting regular menstrual cycles and alleviating menstrual discomfort to supporting fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery through holistic solutions that encompass Ayurvedic food and eating guidelines, lifestyle, Ayurvedic herbs and holistic therapeutic practices, yoga, and meditation.

Vd. Vandana specializes in menopausal transition and geriatrics, and offers holistic solutions to age gracefully and restore balance to the body and mind through natural approaches tailored to each individual's needs.

She believes that by embracing Ayurveda's holistic principles and scientific approach, each woman can cultivate vitality, balance, and well-being throughout every stage of the life.

Visit her website here

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