Susan Weis-Bohlen

Susan Weis-Bohlen

Is a writer, an Ayurvedic consultant, and leads international sacred site tours and writing retreats. Susan’s journey into the Ayurvedic lifestyle began in 2007 when she came across the Ayurvedic cleansing technique of panchakarma. With the release of toxins, along with 60 pounds and 80 points off her cholesterol, she embraced the healing powers of Ayurveda and eventually began her practice.

In 2008 Susan received her first certification in Ayurveda from the Chopra Center in California. ​Over the years she has also completed courses with Dr. Vasant Lad in New Mexico and India​​. In addition, ​​Susan is certified in Ayurvedic cooking by best-selling author and teacher, Amadea Morningstar.
A former bookstore owner (Breathe Books, 2004-2014), Susan is thrilled to now be a published author.

Her first book, Ayurveda Beginner’s Guide: Essential Ayurvedic Principles & Practices to Balance and Heal Naturally (2018, Althea Press), has sold over 100,000 copies and has been translated into ​9 languages.

Susan’s second book is Seasonal Self-Care Rituals: Eat, Breathe Move and Sleep Better According to Your Dosha, also a best-seller, from Simon & Schuster.

Her newest book is The Beginner’s Guide to Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Ancient Healing for Modern Life from Quarto Books.
Susan lives with her husband Larry and their dogs, Ella and Joonie (a rescue from Pune, India), in the woods in Reisterstown, Maryland. 

You can request an Ayurvedic consultation and follow Susan on her website and receive her newsletter: 

Visit her website here

Signup for her newsletters here.

Follow Susan on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook!

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