Pratibha Shah

Pratibha Shah

BAMS, MD (Ayurveda), MPH, is an internationally renowned Ayurveda expert. Intensely trained in Traditional Health Sciences (Ayurveda, Energy healing) as well as Public Health. Pratibha Shah distills Eastern wisdom with an understanding of Western principles, for the best care of her clients. A strong sense of compassion

and empathy, intent listening skills, in-depth thorough assessments and well-contemplated individualized Master Wellness plans are a hallmark of her 30 years of practice. Client-centric Compassionate Care defines her best.

Her pioneering initiatives in the field of Ayurveda, have brought her to attention at the White House, the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Consulate General of India, NYC. She is a prolific speaker and educator in the community. She has been an invited speaker at many local and international conferences and has given several Keynote addresses.  She has authored several papers and is an editor of the Ayurveda Journal on Health. She is senior faculty and Domain Expert at Kerala Ayurveda Academy, USA, and for Boston School of Ayurveda. She routinely delivers educational lectures at modern medicine institutes/bodies such as Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, American Holistic Nurses Association, among others.

With more than 30 years of clinical practice, she is one of the few holistic practitioners leading the effort of true integration, focused on client-centric wholesome care. She has been a trailblazer and an eminent Ambassador of Ayurveda in the West, teaching, practicing and promoting Ayurveda, while also working tirelessly on building bridges with mainstream medicine practitioners and Institutes. For her work, she was nominated in the Top 20 Women of the Year, for the year 2014. Before moving to US in 2004, she was working as Chief Medical Officer with the Central Government of India, in the ministry of AYUSH. In 2019, she was featured in an international documentary on Ayurveda. In 2022, she attended and spoke at the inauguration of the WHO Global Center for Traditional Medicine, as a special Government of India invitee. She was also an invited International Speaker at the recently concluded World Ayurveda Congress 2022, in Goa, India. Her story and profile have been featured in Women who Win, a 2024 publication.

She is the Founder, President of the Wholistic Health Alliance (a 501c3 non-profit), Founder, President of Council for Ayurveda Research (a 501c3 non-profit), Founding Director of Ayurvidya Anusandhan Abhiyan Foundation, India (a Section 8 NGO), and CEO of My Ayurved LLC. In 2019, she launched her own high end organic herbal product line by the name of Swa Stha. She currently practices in the Greater Boston area but has clientele throughout the world.

‘Client-centric Compassionate Complete Care defines her best’


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