Manju Kolli

Manju Kolli

An Ayurvedic practitioner based out of San Francisco, Bay Area. She is the Founding Director of Ayurhitam, an Ayurvedic wellness clinic. Manju also has over 15 years of experience serving as a Clinical Pharmacist in the allopathic medical field. This makes her approach unique in selecting proper care for every client. She brings a unique voice to the field with her past career as a clinical pharmacist and her dedication to demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of Ayurveda in our times. Her vision is to bring Ayurveda its lost glory and prove its effectiveness as a proper science. She has been serving as a Board Member of the California Association Of Ayurvedic Medicine for the past 3 years.
Manju is a mother of 2 boys and is involved in many community activities including teaching kids ancient Indian scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and teaching breathing practices.

Visit her website to learn more here.

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