Kim Valeri Povey

Kim Valeri Povey

Ayurveda Practitioner (C.A.P.), Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT, A.Y.T), and 2024 candidate for Certified Doctor of Ayurveda Medicine (A.D.), with a specialty in Ayurvedic Psychology (Satvavajaya Chikitsa), Ayurveda Yoga Therapy, and Family Health.

Kim is known for her healing wisdom and leadership excellence. She is shaping the next generation of complementary healthcare professionals in the US and is based in the Northeast, delivering services that the modern world needs now.

She serves the greater community through her practice and team at Veda Vita Family Health & Wellness. She offers Ayurveda services to a wide range of individuals who might need support receiving these services through her teaching clinic and supervising her interns as they advance in their clinical practice.

Through her KVI Institute of Health and Wellness, she is a Preceptor for professionals and leads educational and clinical residency retreats for students. Kim mentors and prepares practitioners for the National Ayurveda Medical Association (NAMA) Exam and advises educational committees to bridge Ayurveda with Osteopathic Medicine and Ayurveda with education in school systems. She recently presented at national and international conferences offering medical CME’s Trauma and Transformation with Ayurveda Medicine. Maine Osteopathic Association: 112 Annual Convention - Ayurveda the Original Lifestyle Medicine: Case discussion from Ayurveda & Osteopathic Lens.

Kim has been transforming the lives of  others and making yoga, spirituality, and Ayurveda accessible through her Sacred Life Course and Yoga Teacher Training programs. She inspires confidence in students who have become certified yoga teachers over the past 25 years since she founded Yogaspirit® Studios in 1997.

During the past forty years of experience, she has been on the faculty and part of the executive leadership for schools like Boston Ayurveda School and Kerala Ayurveda Academy. Kim has led retreats for women in the Caribbean, and Yoga retreats Internationally in India, Italy, and Costa Rica. She and her husband have five grown children; her greatest joy is spending quality time with her family.

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