Jaya Daptardar

Jaya Daptardar

Dr. Jaya Daptardar is an internationally renowned Ayurveda expert, licensed Esthetician, writer, entrepreneur, healthcare executive, and speaker. She holds a Master's degree in healthcare administration and management in the USA and is also an Ayurvedic doctor. She was the winner of the director's choice title in the Mrs. India Connecticut beauty pageant and has been recently interviewed by MediQueen, a doctor's beauty pageant in India, and other countries. She also served as a Jury for the MediQueen 2021 contest.

Dr. Daptardar is passionate about beauty care in Ayurveda and Ayurveda for behavioral health and addiction. She has authored three books, namely "Aging Gracefully," "Ayurveda's Wisdom for Management of Pain and Addiction," and "Be Beautiful Inside Out." Her contributions have been acknowledged in magazines, newspapers, and television in the USA.
She is a show host, anchor, music enthusiast, actor, fashion designer, and artist. Dr. Daptardar has received the DHARMA award from the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America for her work in Ayurveda and wellness. She has also received an international women's empowerment award from Ayush Darpan India, New Delhi, for her work in the women's health and wellness field.
Dr. Daptardar has been practicing and teaching Ayurveda in the USA for 25 years. She has been a speaker for global conferences for 20 years. Besides her work in Ayurveda and the wellness world, she also serves on multiple boards and works with non-profit organizations. She is a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award in the healthcare service field by the Physician's Association in CT.

Dr. Daptardar believes in prevention and lifestyle management as better tools for wellness and longevity. Besides her work in the health and wellness field, she is the CEO of Active Ayurveda and Yoga LLC and has an Ayurvedic beauty product line, Ayurvedic herbs, therapy oils, and a food product line. She is a faculty at AAPNA, Global Ayurveda Conferences, and Counsel Academy. She is also an executive healthcare business consultant for multiple companies and works as a Chief Strategy and Compliance officer of Bridges Healthcare in CT.

Visit her website AyurBeautyandLifestyle

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