Gauri Junnarkar

Gauri Junnarkar

She is an accomplished Author, International Keynote speaker, and Ayurveda, Nutrition & Wellness expert with 17+ years of experience in Integrative Health. As the Founder of ‘Ayurnutrition’, an integrative wellness practice, she melds Ayurvedic wisdom with modern nutrition in DFW, Texas. She's a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, Ayurveda Practitioner (Vaidya), and Panchakarma Specialist, specializing in Diabetes, Digestive health, Weight management, metabolic disorders, and Women’s health. Gauri’s background in Ayurveda inspired her to do her master's thesis research on “Dietary Curcumin (phytochemical in Turmeric) and its effect in Melanoma (skin cancer)”, which was selected at the national conference on Experimental Biology under "Diet and Cancer”. She offers personalized nutrition & Ayurveda consultations, comprehensive programs, engaging webinars, immersive events, rejuvenating retreats, corporate wellness solutions, and enlightening healthy cooking demonstrations. A co-author of two Amazon-published books, she hosts a YouTube channel and podcast. Renowned for her insightful talks, she's spoken at international conferences, promoting the profound connection between mind and body. Through Ayurveda & Nutrition, Gauri empowers people to make informed choices for a healthier and more balanced life.

To learn more about how Gauri integrates Ayurveda with Nutrition visit her website:

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