Dr. Pratima Raichur

Dr. Pratima Raichur

Ayurvedic physician, doctor of Naturopathy, chemist, botanist, author, and founder of PRATIMA Skincare

At the young age of 13, Pratima began apprenticing with a prominent Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Rele, ultimately igniting her passion for Ayurveda and holistic healing. She received her degrees in science, chemistry and botany at the University of Mumbai in India, and her Ayurvedic degree in Behar North India in 1961. Over the years she has gained a wealth of experience in various hospitals throughout India, in the UK.

Pratima took a sabbatical from her position at the hospital and returned to her Ayurvedic education. She began her home practice with her own formulas in the first space dedicated to treating skin conditions through Ayurveda, performing therapeutic facials, and prescribing internal herbs. Her practice grows exponentially, all through word of mouth.

Once she moved to Manhattan with her husband she began laying the foundation for PRATIMA we know today. Within a short time she was able to finalize her skincare formulations to begin current product line. With the increasing popularity of Pratima and her organic skin care she was able to open her first New York City clinic.

She published "Absolute Beauty" in 1997, the firs and only modern-day resource for Ayurvedic beauty and lifestyle, making holistic beauty methods accessible to all.

Pratima continues to curate her personally formulated collection of PRATIMA products while working with clients as the premiere Ayurvedic doctor of New York City.


"When I created PRATIMA, my goal was to offer the wisdom of Ayurveda that I have studied over the course of my life to anyone looking for natural, lasting results. Back in the 1980's when I introduced my formulas, this was quite a new concept.

Now, I am happy to see so many people seeking alternative solutions that avoid ingredients like harmful chemicals, synthetics, and artificial preservatives. I always tell my clients, whatever you put on your skin should be good enough to eat."

- Dr. Pratima Raichur


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