Dr. Manisha Kshirsagar

Dr. Manisha Kshirsagar

BAMS, DY&A, Esthetician

Dr. Manisha is an experienced Ayurvedic Doctor who specializes in Women’s Health, Skin & Beauty. She has traveled over 30 countries teaching Yoga & Ayurveda. She is a Certified Yoga Teacher and was also trained at Indian College of Naturopathy. She has conducted numerous workshops on Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Beauty from Within and Herbal Formulations.

She teaches regularly at numerous Ayurvedic schools and has formulated a product line of Herbal Teas, Supplements, Spice Mixes & a line of Skin Care.

Her popular books include “Enchanting Beauty”, “Ayurveda: A Quick Reference Handbook” and “Panchakarma- The Ayurvedic Science of Detoxification & Rejuvenation”.

All her books can be found here.

Learn more on her website here.

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