Dr. Vivek Shanbhag

Dr. Vivek Shanbhag

Dr. Vivek Shanbhag, ND-USA, MD-Ayurveda, BAMS, CYEd is a highly accomplished and respected California Licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a remarkable 35 years of experience as an Ayurveda MD, Professor, and Best-selling Author.

 As the Founding Dean of the School of Ayurveda & Natural Medicine at the prestigious University of Silicon Andhra in California, Dr. Shanbhag is currently playing a pivotal role in shaping the education and training of future Ayurveda practitioners. www.UofSA.edu. Earlier, he was the Founding Chairman of the Ayurvedic Medicine Department at the Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle, Washington

With a passion for holistic healing, Dr. Shanbhag serves as the Founder and Medical Director of the Natural Medicine & Ayurveda Clinic & PanchaKarma Center in San Jose, California. He directs a team of 7 experts in Ayurveda, Pancha-Karma and Naturopathic Medicine who specialize in treating Chronic diseases and have served as Primary Care Health Providers for almost 15000 families for 35 years. Earlier, he founded and developed the AYU Ayurvedic Clinic & Academy in Seattle, Washington (for 16 years starting from 1990). He sold these highly successful businesses to Kerala Ayurveda in 2006.

In addition to his clinical and academic commitments, Dr. Shanbhag serves as the President of the National Consortium of Ayurveda Medicine which conducted the well-attended and highly appreciated NCAM Mega-Conference in Orlando in 2023. This demonstrates his influential role in bringing together experts and professionals from various fields to promote Ayurveda on a large scale.

Recognized for his leadership and dedication to the field, Dr. Shanbhag served as the Founding President of the American Association of Ayurvedic Professionals from 2021 to 2022. During his tenure, he played a vital role in advancing the interests of Ayurveda professionals across the United States, fostering collaboration, and promoting the highest standards of practice.

Dr. Shanbhag is the Best-seller author of “Intro to Ayurveda” by Keats Publishing. He is a Editorial Board Member for Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal. He continues to be a beacon of knowledge, expertise, and innovation in the field of Ayurveda and natural medicine, consistently contributing to the advancement and integration of holistic healthcare practices.

He was awarded the prestigious IIM Gold medal for his MD Ayurveda Research Thesis and recently the International Excellence Awards for Ayurvedic Teaching and Clinical Practice.

Visit his website here. Follow on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn.

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